BILLET Anodized Dimensional Aluminum, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
Coming Soon
SUPER SONIC 8” x 16” Encaustic Cement Tile
ZIP LINE Metal Trim, 2” x 12” Trim Piece
NEW LEAF 2” x 6” Glass Field Tile with Electroplated back surface
ECLIPSE Random 1.5” Diameter Powder Pressed Glass Mosaic. 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
High White Luna Grey Dark Side Blue Moon
AMPHORA 3”x6” Glass Mosaic. 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Electroplated Sheet
ANDROMEDA Electroplated Ceramic Trim, Available in 1.5" x 10"

SOLARIUM Electroplated Ceramic Trim, Available in 2" x 8"

BULKHEAD Ceramic and Metal large mosaic tile, 14” x 16”
Coming Soon
BOATHOUSE Glazed Clay Brick, 2.5” x 9.5”
CHENILLE Random Glass Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
GOTHAM Random Glass, Stone, and Metal Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
BROADLOOM Chevron Glass Mosaic, 11” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
PYRENEES Chevron Stained Glass Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
CUBIX 1 & 2 Random Glass and Metal Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
SKYLINE Random Glass, Stone, and Metal Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
IMPRESSIONS - HOPSCOTCH 1” x 1” Glass, Stone, and Metal Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
IMPRESSIONS - WICKER Random Glass, Stone, and Metal Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
MONTAGE 3” x 3” Glass Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
POP ROCKS Random Glass and Stone Mosaic with Electroplated highlights 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted
WET BAR 1/2” x 2” Glass Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
FLICKER Random Glass and Stone Mosaic with Electroplated highlights, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted
HOMESPUN Random Glass Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
JAZZ FUSION Random Glass Mosaic with Metallic accent pieces, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
LIGHTHOUSE Random Glass Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
TEA BOX 1” x 1” Glass Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
TEA KETTLE 1” x 2” Glass Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
BANGLES Random Glass Mosaic with Metal Buckles, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
CROSS STITCH Random Glass, Stone, and Metal Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
STREAMLINE Glass Mosaic, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet
BUBBLES Random Powder Pressed Glass Mosaic, Solid Body Color, 12” x 12” Mesh Mounted Sheet